Monday, August 07, 2006

My Hero.

Do you remember the time when all we used to do was hang out with each other?
All day long we’d be together either in my room, or yours. We’d do everything from play video games, cards or just do nothing. We’d watch movies like Grease or Aladdin or Captain Majjid. We had every episode and we’d just watch them the whole day just sitting in front of the screen. You were his biggest fan; you used to say that you’re going to be just like him. And I would believe you, because at that time we thought that we could do everything.

I remember all the trouble we made as kids- In the kinder garden. I still remember the day we escaped from the play ground. The lady who tried to stop us was so mad at you, even though she knew it was my idea, she kept telling you that even though it was my idea it still doesn’t change anything.

I don’t really remember the day you fell from the monkey bars. But all I remember was how terrified and worried I was when I saw the bloody nose. The fall wasn’t even that hard. I still worry about you whenever you go somewhere. I feel like I should be the big sister and you’re the baby brother. Not the other way around.

I still laugh at all the times we played kout, and we would kick everybody’s asses. We still do. Maybe it’s because we cheated so well that the other team never noticed or maybe it’s because they were too busy cheating themselves, we’ll never know.

There are a lot of experiences we had together, but not enough space to write down.

Even though we hardly hang out anymore, we know that whenever somebody’s bored, we could just go to where the other is and just do nothing and enjoy each others’ company. We’re always there for each other.

So to sum up all of this in one sentence:

P.s dude if you’re reading this don’t get too cocky. I can still kick your ass if I wanted to.

And as we lie beneath the stars
We realize how small we are
If they could love like you and me
Imagine what the world could be


SpiKeY said...

*claaaps* veeery emotional ... *claaaaps*

Anonymous said...

Akeed hero hatha il Lalu !!
o Nice writting ^^

Transparently said...

I like that, its pretty cute, I could identify with some of that myself :)