Friday, March 23, 2007

We See Things Not As They Are, But As We Are

I'm sorry that I'm not the person you wanted me to be, I'm sorry that I'll never be that person.
I'm just not strong enough, or smart enough to be like you. I'm sorry. I tried. I really did.. even after all the advice and directions you gave me, I don't know what to do.

I can't be like you, I don't know how to be like you. I'm not like you. I'm not as confident as you are, I'm not wise as you are. I'm not together as you are.

I tried. I really did. And I won't stop trying.. it's just that my trying isn't good enough. It's never good enough, it will never be good enough.. I'm sorry, I shouldn't be this insecure. I can't help it. It's the truth. I'm no longer in denial.

I've tried to be the best I can be. I've tried to make you proud of me. I'm not you, I'm not her, I'm not them. I'm just me. And I don't know if I should be sorry because of it. But I am. I don't know why. I just am.

I'm trying to do everything you want without losing myself, and I already feel like a stranger to myself. You said everything will be ok. Easier said than done. I've already lost myself. I don't even know who I am anymore.

I can't be you. I just.....can't.

Please don't stop loving me because of it. Please


Grey said...

Sounds like Numb by -Linkin Park.. Mishmisha style

do0da said...

happy wolf beat me to it =P

if you dont knw the song you should listen it.

oo and if ur willing to take the advice of a stranger :P i always say you should always try to be urself and do wat you wana do aslong as its not something wrong. I gave up on impressing ppl ages ago.

Anonymous said...

honey :| been there, done that....
just dont give up & be yourself... that person will have to love the real you not the perfect image of you... things will clear up soon...
just know that your not alone here
:) ;)

Antar said...

"Forever trust in who we are.
And nothing else matters!"

Never cared for what they say!
Never cared for games they play!
Never cared for what they do!
Never cared for what they know!"

.. i'm sure u knw dis..:D

Transparently said...

Yeah, it takes quite a big hear to accept this, it hurts when others don't accept us the way we are especially those we love and care about. We can slowly keep trying, and slowly let them love us the way we are.

Dakhtour said...

Take it easy girl... I'll love u so don't worry about that ok?! :P

Hehehe wallah 3jeeeb el post.. 3ajabny el kalam ely feh kela o endemajt :) 6ol 3omrech katba ekbeera dear ;)

MishMisha said...

happy wolf:
lool really? i don't see it.. :/

lol how can i not know the song? it's one of my favorites :)

and thanks for the advice. i don't want to impress people. i really couldn't care less what they think. i just wanna impress 1 person. but thanks anyway ;)

lol thanks.. i really can't wait 'til things clear up. i hope it's soon :)

lool how can i not? ;P

lool now who's the wise one spreading the wisdom around? :P
thanks it helped :)

aaawww really? thank you!! :P

Hamad said...
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Hamad said...

MishMisha can't be tufaa7a.
MishMisha can't be bortaqaala.
MishMisha can't be laymoona.
MishMisha can't be faraawla.
MishMisha can't be KhooKha.
MishMisha is MishMisha!

Apricots are strong, they can tolerate winter temperatures as cold as −30 °C or lower! Three small fresh apricots contain more than 50% of the recommended daily intake (RDA) of beta-carotene, a potent antioxidant. Beta-carotene prevents the build-up of plaque deposits in the arteries, protects the eyes from sun damage and deactivates free radicals that, if left unchecked, accelerate the ageing process and increase the risk of cancer. In addition, the body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A, which is vital for good vision and for keeping the eyes lubricated. Apricots contain significant levels of iron, essential for hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying pigment in red blood cells.

The Chinese associate the apricot with education and medicine. Chuang Tzu, a Chinese philosopher in 4th century BCE, had told a story that Confucius taught his students in a forum among the wood of apricot.

In the 2nd century, Tung Fung, a medical doctor, lived in Lushan. He asked his cured patients to plant apricots in his backyard instead of paying consultation and medical fees. Those cured of serious illness planted five, and the rest planted one. After some years, a hundred thousand apricot trees were planted and the wood become the symbol for doctors and medicine!

In The Wizard of Oz, the Cowardly Lion sings, "What puts the ape in the apricot? Courage!"

Dreaming of apricots, in English folklore, is said to be good luck.

If you're this wonderful... don't change!

Ishmael said...

stalk quietly and carry a big handkerchief...

'til he or you comes (or goes) willingly or collapses in futile exhaustion to the tides of inevitability

Raja Goblok

Anonymous said...

uh what a wannabe. stop trying to sound deep