Sunday, March 25, 2007

I Had Another Dream

I had another dream the other night. It wasn't a good dream. And you were in it. I didn't want you in my dream. I felt something. Like something bad is going to happen. And I didn't want anything to happen to you.

I tried to get you to leave. I tried to keep you away. To keep you safe, but you wouldn't leave. I wanted you to leave. I told you that I had a feeling, and that I didn't like it, that I didn't want you to be here when it happens. You told me it was all in my head. But the feeling was only getting stronger. I didn't like it. And I wanted to wake up. You said it would be okay. You said everything would be fine. I tried to believe you. I wanted to believe you so bad.

All this happened in the car on our way. I kept expecting something to happen. Any second and it would. But it never did. The feeling seemed to fade away. I was glad it was fading.

The car kept moving, and we kept laughing. I never wanted this feeling to end. This happiness. this content. I wanted it to go on forever.

I look at my right and I see the car coming towards us. It was getting closer. The car wasn't supposed to be there. I opened my mouth to tell you that. But I never got the chance to say it.

I won't be cliché and say that I saw my life flash through my eyes. And the only white light I saw was the headlight from the car. It was very strong. I had to close my eyes because of it.

I woke up that day with this urge to see you. And when I went to your room I couldn't find you. I wanted to tell you about the dream. I wanted to know what it meant. Most of all I wanted to see you and make sure you were safe.

I was getting really worried until you called. You told me you were hungry, and I told you I wanted to talk to you about something. You said you were in the mood for the place we were going to in my dream. I told you we’d see when you get here.

I don't know how you convinced me to go there. But we did. And on the way there, I had the same feeling I had then. And I became quiet. You said something about that being weird since I can't keep my mouth shut for two minutes. And I didn't say anything. That’s when I think you became really worried.

We got to the place where it happened. I look at my right expecting to see the car coming towards me. But it never came.

I laughed and told you about the dream. And you laughed at my paranoia. I told you I have really weird dreams, and you couldn't help but agree. We kept laughing about it all day.

You told me it would be okay. You said everything would be fine. I tried to believe you. And I did, I still do.


Grey said...

I pray that my dreams never come true !! it's all snakes and ghosts !! frightning !

eshda3wa said...

beautifuly written

dreams are just that, DREAMS

plus they always say ina watever happenes in a dream el3ax happens in reality :)

so inshallah its all good

Dakhtour said...

Wallah sometimes we can do nothing about our dreams.. gbel la etnamen kel yom sorat el baqarah o ta3awethay men eblees then lemay el makhada o sam3eena eshkerech el 3jeeb o enshalah mako ela el khair ;)

Cr8ivia said...

wow very well written
bas il7imdilla i was expecting a bad ending :S

Anonymous said...

khara3teenii giirl :S 7addii ikhtara3t o 7addi indimajt ..

il7imdillaa nothing happened x)

o do wat zizo said ;p

Hopeless Poet said...

I hate dreams like this! I used to have some about my younger brother and before few days about 2 of my cousins! I just wake up saying al7amdillilah it was just a dream!

Transparently said...

Thats very beautiful! Catchy, and quite suspenseful. Dreams can happen like that sometimes, o deja-vu.. is wayy too frequent especially in my case!

di.di said...

i hardly remember my dreams @ nite.. i know that i dremt of something but i just couldnt recall the dream....

MishMisha said...

happy wolf:
lol i pray that your dreams never come true too :P

thanks.. and i never knew that it's the opposite.. i guess it's a good thing, eh?

lool yeah 3ad amoot 3ala ma5adity!! and ana ma asha5ir :P

heheh no sorry.. and thank you :)

lol sorry about that.. and sima3t kalama i swear :P

hopeless poet:
yeah i hate 'em too.. exactly!! 7amdillah it was just a dream. i seem to say that alot :/

thank you kind sir! and yeah i guess we both have that in common :/

drama div@:
yeah sometimes it's a good thing that you don't remember.. other times you want to but you can't.. i know how that's like.. ;)