Sunday, December 17, 2006

The Angel & The Devil

“You know what I hate?! I hate it when some @$$%*&! Takes two parking spaces! They should take away his license! I mean what if there was an emergency and the dude has to stop and he finds that he can’t have that space because there isn’t enough space for his own car because the @$$ took two parking spaces!!!” he said as he came in without saying hello or anything for that matter.
I lift my head up and see that he’s waiting for my reaction.
“Oh hey, Amy. How are you?” I say imitating his voice.
“Well hello there Jake. I’m fine, thank you for asking.” I reply to myself while he gives me his death stare that scares everybody but me.
“I’m just freaking out because of this test that I have in a couple of hours!” I yell and go back to my book, and I’m aware that he’s turning to see if there’s anybody around.
“DAMNIT! GOD DAMNIT! Why are you always mean when no one’s around?” he says as he gets closer and sits on the ground next to me.
“What?” I say finally looking at him.
“Yeah. When nobody’s around you’re a big mean sarcastic monster…thing,” he says while tries to make a shape of me with his hands.

I open my mouth to make a smart come back. But he beats me to it.
“In front of everybody you’re like a cute little helpless angel and I’m the devil. And people feel sorry for you and wonder why you even put up and hang out with me. For once I want you to be like that in front of people. Just once.” He begs me.

I roll my eyes and look at him. “You know why I hang out with you. And we both can’t be bad guys at the same time. There has to be some kind of… mixture? Does that make any sense?” I say as the bell rings and people are getting out of class and start filling the halls.
“Not really.” He grins with a look in his eyes that I can’t help but secretly love, as I grin back at him.

We keep looking into each other’s eyes for a couple of seconds and I can feel my heart beating faster. He blinks and clears his throat. The moment’s gone and I can feel him looking at everything but me. I turn and try to continue studying.

“Ok this place is a mess.” He says while he picks up the books and candy wrappers from around me. And he gets up and throws it in the trash and comes back to put my books in my backpack.
A smile is on my face when he comes back.
“What?” he asks in confusion.

“You switched.”

1 comment:

Dakhtour said...

Eee wallah.. marat 9ej we need the parking o el 7abeeb ekon 9afe6la 9af9a mu7tarama o mo hama a7ad etgol ma9fa6 oboooh :) Let's kill those idiots instead of taking their Licenses ;)