Saturday, October 07, 2006

*psst* hey you.. yeah you.. come closer

i need your help with something again..

you see my blogs birthday is coming up next month, and I need to get it something nice. since it's, it's first birthday and all. look i can't explain right now cause it might come back anytime so i have to make this quick.

i've been thinking i'd get it a new template.. but i can't seem to find the right one for it.
don't get me wrong there are alot of good templates. but i just can't seem to find *it*
i could just make one. but i have to know how to do that. and since i don't know how, i can't.

i've been searching for templates for sooo long and i've found very good sites but i still need to do more research..

so what i need you to do is simple: give me sites for templates.. you don't actually have to. but i'd soo love you if you did. i mean what else would you want right?

oh crap here it comes!
talk to you later.. bye

Say when I look up in my life its plain to see.
That its never gonna be the same.
Take another step on towards my destiny.
But the memories still remain.
Deep in my brain in my soul I hold the key.
Said its never gonna be the same.
Throughout all life and beyond all eternity.
I keep burnin up the flame.


Delicately Realistic said...

Awww that was a cute post.
I wish i new how u could get a new 'thing' for ur 'thing'
ive been trying to do the same thing for my own 'thing' :>

SpiKeY said...

hehe ..thats a good post..and as a reward here u r...hope u find something there..

MishMisha said...

delicately realistic:
aww thank you. and good luck i hope you find a good thing for your thing :P.

thank you sir both for the compliment and the site. it really helped me :)