Friday, October 27, 2006

"I am Plays With Squirrels"

didn't you just love him?!
he was my favorite!

he was funny, sweet and kind.. kinda reminds me of joey..
who i also love!
but that's not the point..

i really miss the show.. i can't help but miss it..

so to make your day a little brighter.. here are a few funny qoutes i've always like:

  • "I married a moose...we don't need counseling"
  • "If stupidity were in the Olympics, you'd win a Nobel Prize." (classic)
  • "It was one of those nights. You know the kind. Like day, but darker."
  • "Life's tough, get a helmet."
  • "I am called Playswith Squirrels."
  • "Feeny! Fee-hee-hee (coughs) I can't do it anymore!"
  • "When a crime breaks out, all the cute girls shout, 'Get the good-looking guy.' When there's a crime out there, he's going to comb his hair, cause he's the good-looking guy"
  • "Phanny Feeny?'"
  • "But you see I already had $70 in my wallet and you just gave me $60 so it looks like I already made 10 bucks."
  • "(Referring to Allan-the dad) YOU NEVER BREAST-FED ME!!!" *hits head*
  • "See, duckies are good, cuz not only do they give you that non-threatening sense of security, but you can feed 'em crackers and you can ride 'em. See, duckies are the horsies of the ocean. "
  • Eric: Okay, Coreena, I don't know how to say this, so I'm going to choose my words very carefully. I think you're a psycho. I want to get as far away from you as I possibly can.
    Coreena: What?
    Eric: I'm just not the guy for you. You need a guy who's happy, and perky all the time. Maybe a guy whose had part of his brain removed and he thinks he's a bunny, and you can go off and be bunnies together.
  • Eric: So I said to myself, 'Kyle,'...
    Alan: Kyle?
    Eric: That's what I call myself (how many names does he have?)
  • Eric: How great is this.
    Jack: Do you know how great this is?
    Shawn Hunter: This is great.
  • Jack: Eric?
    Eric: [dressed like Noah] No, not Eric, not anymore
    Jack: OK that's fine... ok, what is your name *now*?
    Eric: Plays With Squirrels
  • [Eric is anxious preparing for the SAT test]
    Jason: Your brain needs a rest.
    Eric: No, no. Brain needs oxygen. There's just not enough of it in here. But I bet there's some outside.
    Eric: Ahh... good old H2O. (he's eric what do you expect?)
    Jason: Has your house been tested for radon?
    Eric: Not another test.
  • Eric: Mr. F... F... F... Feeny
    Mr. George Feeny: I love the Feeny call (who does't?)
  • Eric: Guess who's got pictures of Cory running naked through the sprinkler?
    Cory: Eric, I was four.
    Eric: You were twelve.
    Cory: It was... refreshing.
  • Eric: My grades aren't good enough to get me into college?
    Mr. George Feeny: Your grades, my friend, aren't good enough to get you a Slurpee.
  • Eric: Fine. I'll do it. I'm the oldest.
    Jack: Actually, I'm the oldest.
    Eric: Yeah, but I've lived the longest. (you can't help but love him)
  • Eric: When did this school get a library?
    Jack: Everyday is a new adventure isn't it?
  • Sergeant Moore: Boy you are disgrace to this community, this country, and humanity in general!
    Eric: Oh, wow!
  • [Mr. Feeny has just given Eric back his paper]
    Eric: Oh... Mr. Feeny, you didn't finish your sentence. A... what?

ok i now realize that this post getting too long .. so i'll just leave it at that.. with this final quote:
"[shouts] Sneak attack!"

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