Thursday, January 18, 2007

When The Dust Is Clear, One Knows If He Is Riding A Horse Or An Ass

so i've been tagged by angel

so here goes nothin'


*finishing something i started.

*hanging out with my friends and family.


*knowing that when i make someone smile, i was the one who put that smile.



*helping people.


*listening to music.


and i think that's it.. i tag whoever wants to be tagged.

post more soon


♀ L's brain ♀ said...

"finishing something i started"
oh yeah!! this always always makes me happY! even if it was a MERE book
and lol i like the quote! whose quote is that?

Hopeless Poet said...

Helping people makes me happy too!

Sleeping not always because I hate to sleep during work days because I know that I will wake up and go to work :(

Dakhtour said...

A normal cool list ;)

MishMisha said...

l's brain:
hehe it does give you that sense of fulfillment right?

lool i don't really know who said the quote but i got it from a fortune cookie lol!!

hopeless peot:
i think that makes everybody happy.. but sleeping does make me feel happy because when i get up after my 12 hours of sleep i'd feel refreshed and not cranky LOL

thank you kind sir :)

Transparently said...

Its nice that you're list is quite simple, being happy should be :p