Thursday, September 14, 2006

My Refuge.

Sitting in the corner of my room, where I consider it my refuge. I cry. Not knowing the reason for my falling tears. But they fall none the less, leaving a trail of fire on my face, across my cheeks, on my chin, and then falling on the ground.

I keep on crying for another half hour. Still not knowing why I'm even sitting in the far corner. Why am I hiding? Why do I feel ashamed?

I lift my head from my knee and look around. I suddenly feel distant. I stand up and lie on my bed and stare at the ceiling.

I'm tired. I'm really tired of it all. I tried so hard to be the daughter they've always wanted me to be. And some days I can't be myself so that I can make them happy. I've given up my dreams for them. I've done everything humanly possible to make them proud of me. But I guess it's normal if they're never satisfied with what I've done.

They think I'm happy. They see a totally different person. Now I remember the reason why I'm in here. They asked too much of me. They expected too much. And I couldn't do it. And I couldn't handle it anymore. I just had to get away from them.

This is my entire fault you know? I just can't bare hurting people's feelings, especially my parents. I just love making them happy. But sometimes they cross the line of sanity. They would expect the craziest things.

I lift me head from the pillow and listen. They're calling me. I wipe my eyes quickly and walk to the mirror, and check my eyes for any evidence of my earlier distress. I breathe deeply and exhale slowly. I try to smile, but it doesn't go all the way to my eyes, it never did. I turn and leave.

Everyday I sit at that corner and cry, Feeling miserable and lonely, while they go on with their daily routine. I'd cry for being something that I'm not, for being someone that I never wanted to be and who I wasn't. After I'd finish crying, I'd wish I could cry forever. For when I'm crying, I'm finally being myself. And I never wanted to be anything else.

Traveling I only stop at exits
Wondering if I'll stay
Young and restless
Living this way I stress less
I want to pull away when the dream dies
The pain sets in and I don't cry
I only feel gravity and I wonder why

1 comment:

Transparently said...

This doesn't look easy. Being two different people was never supposed to happen. Living however upto our parents expectations tends to create that. It is balancing that gets to us. Keep your chin up, hopefully, one day, you'll find what it is you're looking for :)