Saturday, May 20, 2006

Hidden Bruises

You’re a bully.
You’re nothing than a bully who would do anything to get its way.
You think I care what you think?
I don’t. I don’t give a fuck what you do, or think
Do what ever you want to me, say what ever you want to me, cause it’s not gonna bother be
I always say that to myself and I’ll keep on saying that until you realize that you’re ruining my life with you’re words.
Anything you want you go straight to me, you can’t live without me. You want me to help you. You want me to pick you up whenever you’re falling.
I hold you one day, and then the other you’re calling me names and humiliating me!
You try to hurt me in anyway you can and you call it “joking” you’ve been “joking” with me my whole life that right now I’ve grown used to it. I wait for you’re criticism. I’m expecting it. Where is it? I’m waiting for it right now!
The worst thing about it is that you’re the worst kind.
You emotionally bully me!
And when I get angry or upset you turn around and bully me some more in disguise!
You’d say that I don’t have a sense of humor and that I can’t take a joke...
You have a disgusting sense of humor! What you do isn’t even partially funny!
If you keep telling a dog he did something wrong he’ll believe he did something wrong…
Does that mean I’m a dog now?
Heh the funny thing is you don’t yell! It’s the things you say that hurt!
I don’t care anymore!
Do what ever you want, cause I’m not going to listen anymore.
You’ve hurt me countless times all my life. And I’ve cried countless times.
And I’m sure there will be more in the future.
The whole time I’m writing I’m wishing that you don’t stumble upon this, but now I want you to. I’m hoping you read it. I want you to know how you ruined my life.
You’ve abused me verbally and you don’t even know it. I won’t let you see the bruises you gave me…NEVER!
I’ll keep a smile on my face and act like I’m not all broken inside…I’ll let you believe anything I want. Because thanks to you I know how to hide my feelings and not let anyone know how I truly feel about something.
So thanks to you, you made me …you made me into this torn lonely person I am today...
Thank you for ruining my life.

if only i can actually say all this to you're face...

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