Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Dadadadaaaaa Dadadaaaaaa (Superman Theme Song)

Went to see Superman Returns.
What I thought of it?
Two words. Awe-some!!
I loved it. It was very funny and very realistic.
Even though I admire Lois for her spunk and confidence. I hated her in the movie, she was a total bitch and was very mean to him, with writing that article "Why the world doesn't need a Superman"

Yeah why don't you say that after he saves you from sudden death. again!

But the movie is still a success to me. Brandon was a good Superman. He did a good job of staying true to the character.
Kevin Spacey was an excellent Lex. he cracked me up! he is soo funny.

I give the movie 5 stars.

But that's only me. ;P


3baid said...

I liked the visuals and special effects with the flying :)

MishMisha said...

yeah i did too, it almost looked like he was actually flying..